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But ven I thinks of the times ve've had, I feels like shedding tears! A vonderful man vas Nosey; so 'andsome, too!" "Cease your nonsense, and answer me one or two questions," Murden said; "the gang has plundered for months; do you know where they concealed their money?" "I'm blessed if I do," replied Steel Spring, with alacrity. "Do you think that our prisoners know?"

That there hanimal loves me, it do, like a brother, an the love is mootooal. Ve've lived together now off an' on for the matter o' six months. Vell, I gits employment in a factory about fifteen miles from here, in which no dogs is allowed.

"So should I," nodded Mottle-face "ah, that I should." "You you told me," spluttered the fussy gentleman, in sudden wrath, "that you were coming to my valise." "An' so ve have," nodded Mottle-face, triumphantly. "Ve're at it now; ve've been a-coming to that theer blessed walise ever since you come aboard." "Well, and what's to be done about it?" snapped the fussy gentleman.

We have still a great deal to do, and very little time to do it in; therefore let us see about getting the longboat into the water, and the raft over the side. There will be time enough to rest when we are safe away from the wreck." "All ri', schipper, don' you worry," bawled a great hulking Dutchman in reply. "Dere's blendy of dime yet; and ve're nod going do move undil ve've vinished dhis grog."