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His mind is so imbued, so saturated, if I may hazard the expression, with scriptural knowledge, that from that rich store-house, he is ever ready to bring forth treasures, new and old, and to apply them wisely, temperately, and seasonably.

Weldon grumbled low into Carew's ear, as the minutes dragged themselves along, broken only by indeterminate volleys. "I have exactly five rounds left," he said at length. "I believe in obedience, Carew; but, when I get this used up, by jingo, I'll pitch into those fellows on my own account." "Keep cool," Carew advised him temperately.

I have been throwing up my sashes, striding across my room, and construing ten lines of Seneca, and my pulse again begins to beat more temperately. Let us argue the point with this pert, unruly, marplot conscience of mine. It was not at first without considerable reluctance and even pain that I began to plot.

Believe me, I should have tendered the 37,000l., without reference to the Greek scrip I had purchased, had it not been evident to me that, under such circumstances, the security of your public funds would be dependent on chances which I cannot foresee, and over which I should have no control." Thus temperately rebuked, the Greek deputies did not urge their proposal any further.

Sic. On the sudden, I warrant him consul. Bru. Then our office may, During his power, go sleep. Sic. He cannot temperately transport his honours .... but will Lose that he hath won. Cru. In that there's comfort. Sic. Doubt not, the commoners, for whom we stand, Bru. What's the matter? Mess. You are sent for to the Capitol.

The real reason is that they are a witty and thoughtful race who look temperately on what is known as crime and evil one eats, one steals; it is all in the order of things, and therefore not to be quarrelled with. There is no other view possible to a philosophical people " "What the devil is he talking about?" said the sergeant. "Monkeys are gregarious and thievish and semi-human.

It is in this scene principally, that the judgment is formed that not above one boy in a hundred possesses an acute understanding, or will be able to strike into a path of intellect that shall be truly his own. I do not object to this destination, if temperately pursued.

He went from the bill-discounter's office to a pawnbroker in the City, with whom he pledged Georgy's trinkets and his own watch for the sum of a hundred and twenty pounds. From the pawnbroker's he went back to Bayswater for his portmanteau, and thence to the Euston Hotel, where he dined temperately in the coffee-room.

This is an argument which, if true, makes it equally proper for not only men, but women and children, to use opium, brandy, or tobacco as stimulating principles, provided they are used temperately.

If in circumstances, often of undoubted hardship, labour had been sufficiently equipped to state its own case, or had found disinterested friends to state it clearly and temperately, it would have been easier to admit that economic causes sufficed, in some cases at least, to explain, and perhaps even to justify, the increasing use of the strike weapon.