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"With the exception of Arsinoe, who preferred gayer pastimes, into which she drew my brother Straton at that time a giant in strength we all liked the plan. I was chosen master, but I perceived that Cleopatra desired the position, so she took my place.

The Demeter which Archias had ordered had been partially paid for in advance, and he had intended to use the gold a considerable sum to pay debts in Alexandria. But it was consumed with the rest of his property tools, clothing, mementoes of his dead parents, and a few books which contained his favourite poems and the writings of his master, Straton.

The Demeter which Archias had ordered had been partially paid for in advance, and he had intended to use the gold a considerable sum to pay debts in Alexandria. But it was consumed with the rest of his property tools, clothing, mementoes of his dead parents, and a few books which contained his favourite poems and the writings of his master, Straton.

My whole future life would become a chain of humiliations, and do you know whither this unfortunate marriage would lead? My teacher Straton once said that a man learns to hate no one more easily than the person from whom he receives benefits which it is out of his power to repay.

My brother Straton you remember the noble youth who won the prize for wrestling at Olympia, Berenike and I were commissioned to carry the treasure to her. We doubtless exposed ourselves to great peril, but we did so gladly, and left Alexandria with a few camels, an ox-cart, and some trusted slaves.

"A pupil of Straton, and go in search of beings and powers whose existence he denies! What my mother instilled into my heart I lost with my childhood, and you address your question only to the artist who holds his own ground, not to the boy.

Children tell the tale of the strong man who bore Cleopatra in a sack through the palace portals. It was not a sack which concealed her, but a Syrian carpet. The strong man was my brother Straton. I went first, to secure a free passage. "Julius Caesar and she saw and found each other. Fate merely drew the conclusion which must result from such premises.