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This spot was at first destined for a monument to Christopher Columbus whose ashes, after the cession of the Spanish part of St. Domingo, were brought to the island of Cuba.* On the tomb is the following inscription: O restos y Imagen del grande Colon; Mil siglos duran guardados en la Urna, Y en remembranca de nuestra Nacion.

He pointed at two mounds of freshly disturbed earth a few feet from the road. "Read what's written over 'em, and take yore choice." Kid Wolf saw that two headboards had been erected near the shallow graves. One of them had the following significant epitaph written on it in neatly printed Spanish: Aqui llacen restos de Kid Wolf.

D. Cristoval Colon Des.," which is read as meaning "Ultima parte de los restos del primer Almirante, Don Cristoval Colon, Descubridor" "Last part of the remains of the first Admiral, Don Christopher Columbus, Discoverer."

In the centre is a large cross, and on either side of the iron railings there is a marble tablet with the simple but touching inscription, in Spanish 'Incendio de la Iglesia de la Compañía, 8 de Diciembre, 1863. Restos de las Víctimas; 2000, mas o ménos. Almost every household in Santiago had lost one of its members.

Levantó y organizó un batallón de artesanos, denominado de "Bravos," y cuando los restos del brillante cuerpo de ejército debelado en Padierna retirábanse en confusión ante las bayonetas del vencedor, el anciano de cerca de sesenta años, fuerte y valeroso y resuelto como en los días de su juventud, se apostaba a la cabeza de sus guardias nacionales en el convento de Churubusco, deteniendo el paso al enemigo hasta quemar el último cartucho y recibirle impávido con los brazos descansando sobre las armas.

For here are names carved on stone denoting that beneath lie buried those who helped make California history. Just at the side entrance of the church is a stone with this inscription to the first governor of California: "Aqui yacen los restos del Capitan Don Luis Antonio Argüello, Primer Gobernador del Alta California, Bajo el Gobierno Mejicano.

A more circumstantial account places the time of this rediscovery in 1867, and says that a musket-ball was the only object found in the little coffin, while the silver plate on the lid was thus inscribed, "Una pt. de los restos del Primar Alm. to Du Christobal Colon."