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"Well, Chips," said Roger, "I hope you, at least, are pleased with your prospects." The carpenter likewise made no reply. "Hm, Mr. Cledd, they haven't a great deal to say, have they?" "Aha," the negro murmured just behind me, "dey's got fine prospec's, dey has.

"Gen'l, I has the honor to espress to you, sah, my thanks faw the way you espress yo'self in yo' letteh on the concerns an' prospec's o' we' colo'ed people, sah. An likewise, they's thousands would like to espress the same espressions, sah." "Oh, that's all right." "Gen'l, I represents a quantity of ow people what's move' down into Blackland fum Rosemont and other hill places.

"Who tole ye ez I war hyar, anyhows?" he demanded angrily. "'Dosia," replied Justus Hoxon in a mild tone. Then, with an effort at exculpation, "I 'lowed ye'd be keen plumb sharp set fur news 'bout the prospec's o' the 'lection. An' she 'lowed ez ye hed kem down hyar hopin' ter git a deer. 'T war The'dosia."

Each one agreed to do their best, this cannibal-sounding proposition meaning nothing worse than true fishwives' hospitality; and the group had gathered in a knot to discuss in low tones the children's "prospec's" for the future, when Mrs. Norris and Miss Plunkett came in.

"But yer blind old mother wants you to go," said Bobby, "an' says she'll be well looked arter by the ladies of the 'Ome, and that she wouldn't stand in the way o' your prospec's. Besides, she ain't yer mother!" This was true.

On'y suthin' about your futur' prospec's. The gruel's ready, I think. Will you 'ave it now, or vait till you get it?" "There even in your little touches of humour you're so like him!" said the old woman, with a mingled smile and sneeze, as she slowly rose to a sitting posture, making a cone of the bedclothes with her knees, on which she laid her thin hands.