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Updated: August 19, 2024

In this case, Galen recommends pilulae of caberica coloquintida; for, as they are good for purging the bad humours, so also they open the passages of the womb, and strengthen it by their aromatic qualities. If the stomach be over-loaded, let her take an emetic, yet such a one as may work both ways, lest if it only works upwards, it should check the humours too much.

Then I suppose doctors should say Fiant pilulae et pereat mundus, there wouldn't be much difficulty about that! Philalethes. Heaven forbid! You must take everything cum grano salis. Demopheles. Exactly; that's why I want you to take religion cum grano salis. I want you to see that one must meet the requirements of the people according to the measure of their comprehension.

"Little, as you see, but quite enough for us two. Now, take the easy-chair, old fellow, and let's have another look at you! Well, you do look a bit pulled down!" and he put on a solemn professional air. "I prescribe Ozone, quant. suff. Social dissipation, fiant pilulae quam plurimae: to be taken, feasting, three times a day!" "But, Doctor!" I remonstrated.

Then that of the medical profession would be, Fiant pilulae, et pereat mundus, which would be the easiest to carry out. Phil. Heaven forbid! Everything must be taken cum grano salis. Demop. Exactly; and it is just for that reason that I want you to accept religion cum grano salis, and to see that the needs of the people must be met according to their powers of comprehension.

"Indeed, sir," replied I, amused with his imposition, "I should like to accompany you for, as Josephus says most truly, `Capiat pilulae duae post prandium. Travel is, indeed, a most delightful occupation, and I would like to run over the whole world." "And I would like to follow you," interrupted Timothy.

Pilulae sumariae, pilulae lud. delupina, lazuli diosena and confetio hamec are purges of bile. Take two ounces of pounded prunes, one drachm of senna, a drachm and a half each of epithimium, polypody and fumitary, and an ounce of sour dates, and make a decoction with endive water; take four ounces of it and add three drachms of hamesech and three of manna.

By all means let our library secure a good representation of the literature of Homoeopathy before it leaves us its "sorrowful regrets" and migrates with its sugar of milk pellets, which have taken the place of the old pilulae micae panis, to Alaska, to "Nova Zembla, or the Lord knows where." What shall I say in this presence of the duties of a Librarian?

Take that handkerchief off of her head, and cut her hair close, and keep her temples cool, and put some drawing plasters to the soles of her feet, and give her some of my pilulae compositae, and follow them with some doses of sal polychrest. I've been through it all before in that same house. Live folks are only dead folks warmed over.

By all means let our library secure a good representation of the literature of Homoeopathy before it leaves us its "sorrowful regrets" and migrates with its sugar of milk pellets, which have taken the place of the old pilulae micae panis, to Alaska, to "Nova Zembla, or the Lord knows where." What shall I say in this presence of the duties of a Librarian?

Thus we read of the "Pilulae artheticae Salernitorum," the "Cathapcie Alexandrine," the "Oxymel Juliani" the "Pilulae Arabice," the "Pulvis Petrocelli," the "Oleum benedictum," the "Pilulae Johannicii," etc.

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