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Updated: August 17, 2024

Give them combined in the manner I shall advise when speaking of the treatment of Rickets. In diseases of long standing, and that resist the usual remedies, there is nothing like change of air. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, says "In longis morbis solum mutare."

Ballantyne remarks that the occasional occurrence of double monsters was a fact known to the Hippocratic school, and is indicated by a passage in De morbis muliebribus, in which it is said that labor is gravely interfered with when the infant is dead or apoplectic or double. Ancient Explanations of Monstrosities.

Mihi stationem publicam ponendi causa ad "Morrandi" in mensa Octobris, 1841, advenienti, occurrebant populi morbis poene liberi formam atque membra bene formati; postea autem ex frequenti cum oppido et proximis stationibus commercio, circa Octobrem 1844, morbos quam maxime horridos contraxerant.

The works of this great writer are so generally known, and so highly esteemed, that, though it may not be improper to enumerate them in the order of time, in which they were published, it is wholly unnecessary to give any other account of them. He published, in 1707, Institutiones medicae; to which he added, in 1708, Aphorismi de cognoscendis et curandis morbis.

Hi mores, hæc vita fuit, dum fata sinebant, Dum neque languebam morbis, nec inerte senectâ; Quæ tandem obrepsit, veterique satellite cæcum Orbavit dominum: prisci sed gratia facti Ne tola intereat, longos deleta per annos, Exiguum hunc Irus tumulum de cespite fecit, Etsi inopis, non ingratæ, munuscula dextræ; Carmine signavitque brevi, dominumque canemque Quod memoret, fidumque canem dominumque benignum.

"Eorundem Expositio." MS. in Bodleian. "Antidotarium." MS. in Caius College. To these he adds, on the authority of Bale and Pits: 7. "De Viribus Aquarum et Specierum." "De Proportione Fistularum." "De Judicio Patientis." "De Re Herbaria." "De Tuenda Valentudine." "De Particularibus Morbis." "Thesaurus Pauperum." All of these latter may be regarded as doubtful.

Nature made health, and at the same time it was necessary by a kind of concomitance that the source of diseases should be opened up. The same thing applies with regard to virtue; the direct action of Nature, which brought it forth, produced by a counter stroke the brood of vices. Existimat autem non fuisse hoc principale naturae consilium, ut faceret homines morbis obnoxios.

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