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Quos vestros mercatores in omni suo apud nos et nostros obeundo negotio, ita tractari, et libenti voluntate, et expresso nostro mandato curauimus, vt non solum vestrae Maiestatis pro illis postulationi, sed eorundem etiam hominum expectationi plene satisfactum esse confidamus.

Yo el rey. Archives of Modena. In Liber Arrendamentorum Terrarum ad Illmos Dnos Rodericum Bor. de Aragonia Sermoneti, et Jo. de bor., Nepesin. Duces infantes spectantium et alearq. scripturar. status eorundem tangentium. Biselli, 1502.

"Eorundem Expositio." MS. in Bodleian. "Antidotarium." MS. in Caius College. To these he adds, on the authority of Bale and Pits: 7. "De Viribus Aquarum et Specierum." "De Proportione Fistularum." "De Judicio Patientis." "De Re Herbaria." "De Tuenda Valentudine." "De Particularibus Morbis." "Thesaurus Pauperum." All of these latter may be regarded as doubtful.

Thus Apuleius, in his Apology, says, "Si qui forte adest eorundem Solemnium mihi particeps, signum dato," etc.; that is, "If any one happens to be present who has been initiated into the same rites as myself, if he will give me the sign, he shall then be at liberty to hear what it is that I keep with so much care."