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"There you will distinctly see," said he, "the ruts of my chariot wheels, 'manifesta rotae vestigia cernes." "But," added he, "even suppose you keep on it, and avoid the by-roads, nevertheless, my dear boy, believe me, you will be most sadly put to your shifts; 'ardua prima via est, the first part of the road is confoundedly steep! 'ultima via prona est, and after that, it is all down- hill!

And now crept up a single eye of light from Leith; she came among the boats; the boys recognized a crazy old cutter from Leith harbor, with Christie Johnstone on board. "What is that brown heap on her deck?" "A mountain of nets fifty stout herring-nets." Tunc manifesta fides. A yell burst from all the boys. "He's gaun to tak us to Dunbar." "Half a crown! ye're no blate."

His father begged and entreated him not to take it into his head to drive parallel to the five zones, but to mind and keep on the turnpike which runs obliquely across the equator. “There you will distinctly see,” said he, “the ruts of my chariot wheels, ‘manifesta rotæ vestigia cernes.’ But,” added he, “even suppose you keep on it, and avoid the byroads, nevertheless, my dear boy, believe me, you will be most sadly put to your shifts; ‘ardua prima via est,’ the first part of the road is confoundedly steep! ‘ultima via prona est,’ and after that it is all down hill.

Epilogus, p 48: Hæc igitur omnia sanctissimi patriarchæ sub se constitutis Deo amabilibus metropolitis manifesta faciant, at illi subjectis sibi Deo amabilibus episcopis declarent, et illi monasteriis Dei sub sua ordinatione constitutis cognita faciant, quatenus per omnia Domini cultura maneat undique in eos incorrupta. Riffel, p. 615, translated. Riffel, p. 617. Kurth, ii. 35.

Sumus empti, saith Parcus: non igitur nostri juris ut nos mancipemus hominum servitio: id enim manifesta cum injuria redemptoris Christi fieret: sumus liberti Christi.