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The article seemed to me to be stamped with literary rancour; it was written by some man who envies M'Naughten's success. Peak kept silence. Martin's censure of the anonymous author's style stung him to the quick, and he had much ado to command his countenance. 'Still, pursued the other, 'I felt that much of his satire was only too well pointed.

It was perhaps in the hope of finding something of this last description that M'Naughten's comrade pulled aside the curtain of the first. He was startlingly disappointed. There was no picture. The frame surrounded, and the curtain was designed to hide, an oblong aperture in the partition, through which they looked forth into the dark corridor.

And those maps of the Geological Surveys, British and foreign, how he would have enjoyed a day's poring over them! He rose, but Martin seemed in no haste to bring the conversation to an end. 'Have you read M'Naughten's much-discussed book? 'Yes. 'Did you see the savage attack in The Critical not long ago?

'Thanks; I can't smoke just yet. It's my misfortune that I can't talk earnestly without throwing my body into disorder. 'How stolid I am in comparison! said Earwaker. 'That book of M'Naughten's, resumed the other, going back to his subject. 'I suppose the clergy accept it? 'Largely, I believe. Peak mused. 'Now, if I were a clergyman' But his eye met Earwaker's, and they broke into laughter.

'We spoke of it once, a propos of M'Naughten's book. She raised her eyes, and met his with a look of concern she could not disguise. 'What of that? 'Peak is the author of it. It seems to have been written just about the time when I met him and brought him here as a visitor, and it was published after he had begun to edify you with his zeal for Christianity. She held out her hand.

It was perhaps in the hope of finding something of this last description that M'Naughten's comrade pulled aside the curtain of the first. He was startlingly disappointed. There was no picture. The frame surrounded, and the curtain was designed to hide, an oblong aperture in the partition, through which they looked forth into the dark corridor.

It will be observed that this was almost exactly the disposition of the room in M'Naughten's story. Jones had the bed; I pitched my camp upon the floor; he did not sleep until near morning, and I, for my part, never closed an eye. At sunrise I heard a cannon fired; and shortly afterwards the men in the next room gave over snoring for good, and began to rustle over their toilettes.

It will be observed that this was almost exactly the disposition of the room in M'Naughten's story. Jones had the bed; I pitched my camp upon the floor; he did not sleep until near morning, and I, for my part, never closed an eye. At sunrise I heard a cannon fired; and shortly afterwards the men in the next room gave over snoring for good, and began to rustle over their toilettes.