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"They had me up one day," said Montmorency, "to sing a comic song, and give my recitations; and we had champagne and lobster-salad: SUCH nobs!" added the player. "Billingsgate and Vauxhall were there too, and left college at eight o'clock."

These clumsy hands of mine have spilled lobster-salad upon her dress. That little wretch of a brother of hers has pulled her back hair down. Her sister Sophonisba has abused her. Still has she been mild as the dove! "Then, her common sense is astonishing. She says any woman can manage with three bonnets and half-a-dozen good dresses. I wanted to buy her a bracelet the other day, price ten guineas.

I will ask him," Lionel said; and again he bade her good-night, and took his leave. Octavius Quirk, Lionel at once made his way to him. He found him with a capacious plate of lobster-salad before him, and by the side of that was a large bottle of champagne. "Going to sit down?" Quirk asked but with no great cordiality; it was for one person, not for two, that he had secured that bottle.

'There's nothing dishonest or wrong in a supper, I hope? said Mrs Jiniwin. 'Surely not, returned the dwarf. 'Why should there be? Nor anything unwholesome, either, unless there's lobster-salad or prawns, which I'm told are not good for digestion. 'And you wouldn't like your wife to be attacked with that, or anything else that would make her uneasy would you? said Mrs Jiniwin.