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Updated: August 3, 2024

The seeds, such as stock, nasturtium, linum, phlox, and sweet pea, are doing well in the garden. The greater number of the apple-trees are showing life. We watch everything growing with the greatest interest. Wednesday, September 26. About nine o'clock we heard there was a ship to the westward; but Graham went off to school.

There are varieties of artemisia or sage-brush, antennaria, columbine, the barberry, spiraea, Russian thistle, eriophyllous, chrysothamnus, plantago, dandelions, lepidium, chaenactic, linum, hosackia, cirsium, astragulus, ambrosia, euphorbia, pleustemon, achillea millefolium, erodium, or stork's bill, orthocarpous, vilia, solidago, lactuca, helianthus, erigeron, brickellia, malvastrum, ptelea or a desert hop-tree, polygonum, sphedra, lupines, castilleia, lathyrus, verbena and a score of others.

Travellers mention hyacinths, tulips, ranunculuses, gladioli, anemones, orchises, crocuses of several kinds blue and yellow and white, arums, amaryllises, cyclamens, &c., besides heaths, jasmine, honeysuckle, clematis, multiflora roses, rhododendrons, oleander, myrtle, astragalus, hollyhocks, convolvuli, valerian, red linum, pheasant's eye, guelder roses, antirrhinums, chrysanthemums, blue campanulas, and mandrakes.

Boerhaave esteems them capable, if duly continued, of resolving almost all kinds of coagulations, and opening very obstinate obstructions of the viscera. LINUM usitatissimum. FLAX. The Seeds.

Tibi jam brachia contrahit ardens Scorpius. Virg. Georg. l. 1. 34. A new star appeared in Cassiope's chair in 1572. Herschel's Construction of the Heavens. Phil. Trans. Flax Five males and five females. It was first found on the banks of the Nile. The Linum Lusitanicum, or portigal flax, has ten males: see the note on Curcuma.

They are two very different plants, and ought to be well defined, being each of them of very material consequence in this country. LINUM usitatissimum. FLAX, or LINT-SEED. Is grown for the purpose of making cloth, and has been considered a very profitable crop. The culture and management is similar to that of Hemp, and the seeds are in great demand for pressing.

Tested in the same way I found the white varieties of the following annual plants also quite true: Chrysanthemum coronarium, Godetia amoena, Linum usitatissimum, Phlox drummondi, and Silene Armeria. I cultivated it, in large numbers during five succeeding generations, but was never able to find even the slightest indication of a reversion to the red prototype.

The term Linen is doubtless derived from Linum, the classic and botanic name of flax. In Holy Writ, Moses called down the hail upon the growing flax of Lower Egypt, and Isaiah speaks of those "that work in fine flax." According to Herodotus, the ancient Egyptians wore linen.

They have also been employed in Asia, and, in times of scarcity, in Europe, as food: but are not agreeable, or in general wholesome. LINUM catharticum. PURGING-FLAX. The Herb. L. D.-This is a very small plant, not above four or five inches high, found wild upon chalky hills, and in dry pasture-grounds.

Even the white spots on the leaflets have proved to be constant characters corresponding with noticeable differences in yield. Flax is another instance. It was already cultivated, or at least made use of during the period of the lake-dwellers, but at that time it was a species referred to as Linum angustifolium, and not the Linum usitatissimum, which is our present day flax.

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