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Let us see what the totalitarian powers are doing in Mexico: On June 30, 1937, the S.S. "Panuco" of the New York and Cuba Mail Steamship Co. steamed into Tampico, Mexico, from New York with a mysterious cargo consigned to one Armeria Estrada. As soon as she docked, the cargo was quickly transferred to the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad freight car No. 45169, which was awaiting it.

It always reminds the observer of the color of the species to which the variety belongs, being bluish in violets and harebells, reddish in godetias and phloxes, in Silene Armeria and many others. It proves that the original color quality of the species has not wholly, but only partly disappeared.

Small Forest Plants, and Vitality of Seed. Another function of the woods, to which I have barely alluded, deserves a fuller notice than can be bestowed upon it in a treatise the scope of which is purely economical. Sempervivum tectorum in abundance, Statice armeria, Ammone vernalis, Dianthus carthusianorum, with other sand-plants, were growing there.

Tested in the same way I found the white varieties of the following annual plants also quite true: Chrysanthemum coronarium, Godetia amoena, Linum usitatissimum, Phlox drummondi, and Silene Armeria. I cultivated it, in large numbers during five succeeding generations, but was never able to find even the slightest indication of a reversion to the red prototype.

The easiest mode of propagating and getting them to grow on such places is first to make the place fit for their reception, by putting thereon a little loam made with a paste of cow-dung; then chopping the plants in small pieces, and strowing them on the place: if this is done in the spring, the places will be well covered in a short time. STATICE Armeria.

At the highest point lies a celebrated old castle wherein, according to tradition, Campanella was imprisoned for a while. In the days of Pacicchelli, it was a fine place "magnifico nelle regole di Fortezza, con cinque baloardi provveduti di cannoni di bronzo, ed una riccha Armeria, degna habitazione di don Carlo Maria Carrafa, Prencipe della Roccella, che se ne intitola Marchese."

I took them to see the sights of the capital, the sights which everyone visits, the Armeria, the Academy, the Naval Museum, the street life of the Plaza Mayor and the Calle de Toledo, the afternoon promenades in the Retiro Park and the Paseo de Fernan Nuñez. In all they evinced the greatest interest.