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Updated: August 4, 2024

If these pages had been devoted to a critical examination of the historical documents on which his life-story is based we should also have found that he continually told lies about himself, and misrepresented facts when the truth proved inconvenient to him; that he was vain and boastful to a degree that can only excite our compassion.

Against this attempt Douglas, in opposition to whom the Republican party had been formed, revolted to his lasting honour, and he now stood out for the occasion as the champion of freedom. It was at this late period of bewilderment and confusion that the life-story of Abraham Lincoln became one with the life-story of the American people. Lincoln's Return to Public Life.

In the following life-story, our sympathies are strongly drawn to the conscientious woman who gave so many years of uncomplaining service a giving which should have brought its daily reward of satisfaction; yet she sorrowed through her youth because she lacked the charity that "suffereth long and is kind," finding which, her problem was met. The never too attractive Yarnell home was in a mess.

His life-story sounded credible enough, and the very dryness of his manner inspired confidence. As things went in the marriage war, she might esteem herself a most fortunate young woman. It seemed that he had really fallen in love with her; he might prove a devoted husband.

But in the life-story of a nation stretching over thousands of years, the British occupation is a contingent circumstance, and the immutable principle is the Liberty of the Irish People. But when principles have been proved and objections answered, there are still some last words to say for some who stand apart the men who held the breach.

Hopes, fears, the rude story of a strange life, and upon it all is the awful seal of the confessional. For, Marie Berard has unfolded partly, her own life-story. Joe Woods clasps the padre's hands. "You know which of these children is a million-heiress, and which a pauper?" The padre's eyes are blazing. He is mute. "Let us trust to God. Wait, my friend," says Pere Francois solemnly.

But the moment the author gets out of his personality, he must have the creative power, as well as the narrative art and the sentiment, in order to tell a living story; and this is rare. Besides, there is great danger that a man's first life-story shall clean him out, so to speak, of his best thoughts.

I had but two ideals in my childhood and youth, round whom twined these budding tendrils of passion; they were my mother and the Christ. I know this may seem strange, but I am trying to state things as they were in this life-story, and not give mere conventionalisms, and so it was.

These two schools stand in direct antagonism, one asserting that everything is legend, the other declaring that everything is history. Between them lie many phases of opinion generally labelled "freethinking," which regard the life-story as partly legendary and partly historical, but offer no definite and rational method of interpretation, no adequate explanation of the complex whole.

It is a thousand pities that the materials for building up a practical presentment of the real life-story of Master François Villon are so slight, that in the historical sense they might almost be said to be non-existent.

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