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It might perhaps witness better to Lewisham's refinement if one could tell only of a moderated and dignified cooling, of pathetic little concealments of disappointment and a decent maintenance of the sentimental atmosphere. And so at last daylight. But our young couple were too crude for that.

They both felt that the youthfulness of Edwin Peak Baynes detracted something from the reality of this employment. From his marriage until the final examination in June, Lewisham's life had an odd amphibious quality.

Lewisham's morning was vacant, and be proposed to occupy it in the revision of certain notes bearing upon "Sandhurst Science." Unhappily the search for his note-book brought him into collision with the accumulation of Ethel's novelettes. "These things are everywhere," he said after a gust of vehement handling, "I wish you'd tidy them up sometimes."

Subsequently there were to be "pamphlets in the Liberal interest," and such like things duly dated. "Who would control others must first control himself," remarked the wall over the wash-hand stand, and behind the door against the Sunday trousers was a portrait of Carlyle. These were no mere threats against the universe; operations had begun. Lewisham's name.

Dunkerley was the senior assistant master, Lewisham's sole colleague. The last vestige of disapprobation had vanished from Bonover's manner; asking a favour was his autocratic way of proffering the olive branch. But it came to Lewisham as a cruel imposition. For a fateful moment he trembled on the brink of acquiescence.

She had matriculated at the London University and they took the Intermediate Examination in Science together in July she a little unwisely which served, as almost anything will serve in such cases, as a further link between them. She failed, which in no way diminished Lewisham's regard for her.