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Updated: August 8, 2024

Hobab, "the beloved son of God"; Reuel, "the friend of God"; Heber, "the associate of God"; Putiel, "he that hath renounced idolatry"; and Keni, he that was "zealous" for God, and "acquired" the Torah.

Side by side, Ken and Roy stumbled forward, while their captors cursed or jeered them in language which Roy fortunately could not understand, although to Ken every word of it was only too plain. From something the corporal let drop, he learnt that they were being taken, not to Kojadere, but to Eski Keni, which lies in the middle of the peninsula, about half-way between Gaba Tepe and Maidos.

Small hope as he had of ever seeing again his own lines, yet he missed nothing of importance, storing up each hill, valley, clump of trees, and track in his tenacious memory. At last they came within sight of a group of squalid hovels in a valley. 'That's Keni, Ken told Roy. The brutal corporal caught the word.

The names of those chosen were: from the tribe of Reuben, Hanoch, Carmi, Pallu, Zaccur, Eliab, Nemuel; from the tribe of Simeon, Jamin, Jachin, Zohar, Ohad, Shaul, Zimri; from the tribe of Levi, Amram, Hananiah, Nethanel, Sithri; from the tribe of Judah, Zerah, Dan, Jonadab, Bezalel, Shephatiah, Nahshon; from the tribe of Issachar, Zuar, Uzza, Igal, Palti, Othniel, Haggi; from the tribe of Zebulun, Sered, Elon, Sodi, Oholiab, Elijah, Nimshi; from the tribe of Benjamin, Senaah, Kislon, Elidad, Ahitub, Jediael, Mattaniah; from the tribe of Joseph, Jair, Joezer, Malchiel, Adoniram, Abiram, Sethur; from the tribe of Dan, Gedaliah, Jogli, Ahinoam, Ahiezer, Daniel, Seraiah; from the tribe of Naphtali, Elhanan, Eliakim, Elishama, Semachiah, Zabdi, Johanan; from the tribe of Gad, Haggai, Zarhi, Keni, Mattathiah, Zechariah, Shuni; from the tribe of Asher, Pashhur, Shelomi, Samuel, Shalom, Shecaniah, Abihu.

'That's Keni, he repeated in his own language, 'and, by the beard of the Prophet, you shall soon see how spies are dealt with. The village swarmed with soldiers, many of them wounded, who stared at the two British prisoners with lack-lustre eyes. The narrow street of the place reeked with filth and foul odours, and swarmed with a pestilence of flies.

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