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The good influence of the Roaches, Rodmans, Arnolds, Grinnells, and Robesons did not pervade all classes of its people. The test of the real civilization of the community came when I applied for work at my trade, and then my repulse was emphatic and decisive. It so happened that Mr.

Purdee, sitting silently smoking, glanced up at the noise. Abner took advantage of the momentary notice to claim, too, the attention of his mother. "I wish ye'd make Eunice quit talkin' 'bout the Grinnells' old baby, like she war actially demented uglies' bald-headed, slab-sided, slobbery old baby I ever see nare tooth in its head! I do despise them Grinnells."

"Kem along away from thar, ye miser'ble little stack o' bones!" he cried, seizing his sister by one hand and giving her a jerk "a-foolin' round them Grinnells' fence an' a-hankerin' arter thar old baby!" He felt that the pride of the Purdee family was involved in this admission of envy. "I jes wanter pat it on the head wunst," she sighed. "Waal, ye won't now," said the Grinnell boys in chorus.

Grinnells cellar for twenty-two years; and that other of 1839, once possessed by Colonel Purviance, a wine which had so sharpened the Colonel's taste that he was always uncomfortable when dining outside of his club or away from the tables of one or two experts like himself. These, then, were the palates to which Breen catered.

Suddenly he rose, took down his gun, and started toward the door. "Roger," cried his wife, shrilly, "I'd leave the critter be. Lord knows thar's been enough blood spilt an' good shelter burned along o' them Purdees' an' Grinnells' quar'ls in times gone. Laws-a-massy!" she wrung her hands, all hampered though they were in the "spun truck " "I'd ruther be a sheep 'thout a soul, an' live in peace."

The good influence of the Roaches, Rodmans, Arnolds, Grinnells, and Robesons did not pervade all classes of its people. The test of the real civilization of the community came when I applied for work at my trade, and then my repulse was emphatic and decisive. It so happened that Mr.

The recollection of the message came over him. He had a pang of regret, remembering all the old grudges against the Grinnells. They were re-enforced by this irrepressible yearning after their baby, this admission that they had aught which was not essentially despicable.