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Disappointed in that, he had recruited a mercenary company and was seeking military employment: It was suspected that he was in correspondence with his uncle's worst enemy, Duke Omfray of Glaspyth. And he was obsessively in love with Elaine Karvall, a passion which seemed to nourish itself on its own hopelessness. Maybe it would be a good idea to take that space trip right away.

"Well, taxation, first. It seems the more money came in from here, the higher taxes got on Gram. Discriminatory taxes, too; pinched the small landholding and industrial barons and favored a few big ones. Baron Spasso and his crowd." "Baron Spasso, now?" Ffayle nodded. "Of about half of Glaspyth.

Her captain wanted fissionables and gadolinium; Count Lionel was building more ships. There was a rumor that Omfray of Glaspyth was laying claim to the throne of Gram, in the right of his great-grandmother's sister, who had been married to the great-grandfather of Duke Angus.

A lot of the Glaspyth barons lost their baronies some of them their heads after Duke Omfray was run out. It seems there was a plot against the life of His Majesty. It was exposed by the zeal and vigilance of Sir Garvan Spasso, who was elevated to the peerage and rewarded with the lands of the conspirators." "You said business was bad, as business?" Ffayle nodded again.

But I'm telling you; you'll have to do something, or this whole setup of yours will fall apart. As it stands, you can attack Xochitl and the Back-To-Gram party would go along, or you can decide on this crusade against Omfray of Glaspyth and the Raid-Xochitl-Now party would go along. But if you let this go on much longer, you won't have any influence over either party."

Paytrik Morland, who was Gram-born and had been speaking for a return in force to fight against Omfray of Glaspyth and his supporters, defected from them at once. He had been on Marduk and knew who Zaspar Makann was; he had made friends with the Royal Navy officers, and had been shocked to hear that they were now enemies.

In the meantime, the shipyard had been laid out and was taking shape. The Gram ship Queen Flavia she had been the one found unfinished at Glaspyth came in three months after the Rozinante started back; she must have been finished while Valkanhayn was still in hyperspace.

"If Angus didn't do it, somebody else would. But Angus is going to make himself King of Gram, and I don't think anybody else could do that. This planet needs a single sovereignty. I don't know how much you've seen of it outside this duchy, but don't take Wardshaven as typical. Some of these duchies, like Glaspyth or Didreksburg, are literal snake pits.

"You don't have to go to Southmain; just go to Glaspyth," somebody else said. "Well, if we don't get a planetary monarchy to keep order, this planet will decivilize like anything in the Old Federation." "Oh, come, Lucas!" Alex Gorram protested. "That's pulling it out too far." "Yes, for one thing, we don't have the Neobarbarians," somebody said.

I thought Alex would kill his chief of security when he found out what had happened. We can't prove anything we're trying hard enough to but we're sure Omfray of Glaspyth furnished the money. He's been denying it just a shade too emphatically." "Then the whole thing was planned in advance."