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Updated: August 1, 2024

Well, I forget, but somehow you seem to add up the figgurs raither faster than I was made to do. Howsever, we'll go an' see what's to be done for Tom Brixton." The trapper, who had been leaning on his gun, looking down at his bold little comrades during the foregoing conversation, once more took the lead, and, closely following the trail of the robber-band, continued the ascent of the mountains.

Well, I don't understand your lingo; but ef you're a-goin' to stay here, I don't see why you don't hitch hosses with Miss Lucindy." Monsieur Leclerc looked up astonished. "Horses, my friend? I have no horse!" "Thunder 'n' dry trees! I didn't say you hed, did I? But that comes o' usin' what Parson Hyde calls figgurs, I s'pose.

"Why, massa, taint worf while for to git mad about de matter Massa Will say noffin at all aint de matter wid him but den what make him go about looking dis here way, wid he head down and he soldiers up, and as white as a gose? And den he keep a syphon all de time " "Keeps a what, Jupiter?" "Keeps a syphon wid de figgurs on de slate de queerest figgurs I ebber did see.

Why, for rich nigger owners. Our young men hid in the swamps, but they were hunted up and forced into the army. Niggers has been our ruin. Ef a white man takes a case before a nigger justice, he gives the nigger everything, and the white man has to stand one side. Now, would you folks up north like to have a nigger justice who can't read nor count ten figgurs?"

They was always so low down in figgurs thet he calls 'em his "misconduc' slips." But they ain't a one he's ever got, takin' 'em from the beginnin' clean up to the day o' his gradjuatin', thet ain't got some lovin' remark inscribed acrost it from his teacher not a one. Even them that wrastled with him most severe has writ him down friendly an' kind.

"Why, massa, taint worf while for to git mad bout de matter Massa Will say noffin at all aint de matter wid him but den what make him go about looking dis here way, wid he head down and he soldiers up, and as white as a gose? And den he keep a syphon all de time " "Keeps a what, Jupiter?" "Keeps a syphon wid de figgurs on de slate de queerest figgurs I ebber did see.

"Why, massa, taint worf while for to git mad bout de matter Massa Will say noffin at all aint de matter wid him but den what make him go bout looking dis here way, wid he head down and he soldiers up, and as white as a gose? And then he keeps a syphon all de time " "Keeps a what, Jupiter?" "Keeps a syphon wid de figgurs on de slate de queerest figgurs I ebber did see.

"Why, massa, 'tain't worf while for to git mad 'bout de matter Massa Will say noffin' at all ain't de matter wid him but den what make him go about looking dis here way, wid he head down and he soldiers up, and as white as a gose? And den he keep a syphon all de time " "Keeps a what, Jupiter?" "Keeps a syphon wid de figgurs on de slate de queerest figgurs I ebber did see.

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