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Caffein is indicated if digitalis is contraindicated or does not act satisfactorily, and the patient is not nervously excited, but perhaps is stupid or apathetic, and also when diuresis is desired. Strychnin: This is a valuable stimulator and heart tonic when properly used. It promotes muscular activity of the heart much as it promotes all muscular activities.

With aconitine, diuresis was not always established, and when it failed the animal died in convulsions. Centralblatt fur die Medicinischen Wissenschaften, December 18, 1886. A catalogue, containing brief notices of many important scientific papers heretofore published in the SUPPLEMENT, may be had gratis at this office. Terms of Subscription, $5 a Year.

In other poisons the injection was made at once. The result of the use of salines was a diuresis varying in the promptness of its appearance and in its amount. Those animals in which diuresis was limited at first and then increased generally recovered, while those in which diuresis was not established perished.

Just how much this exudate may be prevented by the use of small blisters over or around the heart, and just how much watery stools and diuresis may prevent the advance of the exudate is difficult to determine.

In the following lines examples of idiosyncrasy to the most common remedial substances will be cited, taking the drugs up alphabetically. Acids. Ordinarily speaking, the effect of boric acid in medicinal doses on the human system is nil, an exceptionally large quantity causing diuresis.

The same vasomotor instability which shows itself in the tendency to syncopal attacks is apparent in many other ways. Sudden sensations of heat and of flushing, equally sudden attacks of pallor, coldness of the extremities, abundant perspiration, raising in the mind of the anxious mother the fear of consumption, and excessive diuresis are common accompaniments.

According to Kisch, the cold mineral waters containing an abundance of sulphate of soda, like Hunyadi and Marienbad, are to be preferred to the hot mineral waters, such as Carlsbad, because of their lesser irritant action on the vascular system, and because they strongly excite diuresis through their low temperature and contained carbonic acid; Carlsbad deserves preference only when obesity is combined with uric acid calculi, or with diabetes.