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Scrope considers that the crater-cones of the chain of the Haute Loire give evidence of a somewhat earlier epoch of activity than those of the Puy de Dôme, as they have undergone a greater amount of subaerial erosion. The extent of this river erosion has been clearly brought out by Scrope, and is admirably illustrated by several of his panoramic views, such as that in Plate IX. of his work.

A ridge, prominent under oblique light, follows a winding course from the N.W. side of Beaumont to the W. side of Theophilus, and there is another lower ridge E. of it. Between them is included a region covered with minute hillocks and asperities. Among these objects are certain dusky little crater-cones, which Dr. Klein of Cologne regards as true analogues of some terrestrial volcanoes.

These points will be better understood when I come to give an account of the several groups; and in doing so I will commence with that of the Cantal. The original crater-cones of this group have entirely disappeared throughout the long ages which have elapsed since the lava-streams issued forth from their internal reservoirs.

Among the forty or more spots recorded, six were found to be crater-cones.

Of those to the south of this mount, two out of the three craters of the Puy de Barme and the Puy de Vichatel are perfect; but most of the crater-cones south of the Puy de Dôme are breached. Some of the lava streams by which these craters were broken down flowed for long distances.

At the northern extremity the generally wild and rugged tract of the Jaulân and Haurân, called in the Bible Trachonitis, and still farther to the eastward the plateau of the Lejah, with its row of volcanic peaks sloping down to the vast level of Bashan, is covered throughout nearly its whole extent by great sheets of basaltic lava, above which rise at intervals, and in very perfect form, the old crater-cones of eruption.

Subsequently to the formation of the lava-streams above described, and probably after the lapse of a lengthened period, the region of the Haute Loire and Ardèche became the scene of a fresh outburst of volcanic action, during which the surface of the older lavas, or of the fundamental granite, was covered by numerous crater-cones and lava-streams strewn along the banks of the Allier and of the Loire for many miles.

Meanwhile numerous crater-cones were thrown up; and, as the land gradually rose, the waters of the lake were drained off, leaving dry the Campagna and plain of the Tiber.

Such is the character of the general floor on which the more recent crater-cones of this district have been built. These are numerous, and all extinct with the exception of the Solfatara, near Puzzuoli, from which gases mixed with aqueous vapour are continually being exhaled. The gases consist of sulphuretted hydrogen mixed with a minute quantity of muriatic acid.

Since A.D. 1500 there have been fifty-six recorded eruptions of Vesuvius; one of these in 1767 was of terrific violence and destructiveness, and is represented by Sir William Hamilton in views taken both before and during the eruption. Thus it will be seen that Vesuvius at this epoch consisted of three crater-cones within each other.