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We have been asked to join some friends in a picnic at Glen Corpach, and as there are several young people among the families who have promised to come, you will have companions of your own age." "I shall be delighted. What a lovely day for it too," exclaimed Fanny, "and I am sure Norman will like it very much." Norman wondered what a picnic could mean. "Is there to be fun of any sort?

Between these two extremities of the canal Corpach on the south-west and Clachnaharry on the north-east extends the chain of fresh-water lochs: Loch Lochy on the south; next Loch Oich; then Loch Ness; and lastly, furthest north, the small Loch of Dochfour.

The rest of Southey's journal is mainly occupied with a description of the scenery of the Caledonian Canal, and the principal difficulties encountered in the execution of the works, which were still in active progress. He was greatly struck with the flight of locks at the south end of the Canal, where it enters Loch Eil near Corpach:

Telford, on being appointed principal engineer of the undertaking, was requested at once to proceed to Scotland and prepare the necessary working survey. He was accompanied on the occasion by Mr. Jessop as consulting engineer. Twenty thousand pounds were granted under the provisions of the 43 Geo. The basin at Corpach formed the southernmost point of the intended canal.

The whole number of these is twenty-eight: the entrance-lock at Clachnaharry, constructed on piles, at the end of huge embankments, forced out into deep water, at Loch Beady; another at the entrance to the capacious artificial harbour above mentioned, at Muirtown; four connected locks at the southern end of this basin; a regulating lock a little to the north of Loch Dochfour; five contiguous locks at Fort Augustus, at the south end of Loch Ness; another, called the Kytra Lock, about midway between Fort Angustus and Loch Oich; a regulating lock at the north-east end of Loch Oich; two contiguous locks between Lochs Oich and Lochy; a regulating lock at the south-west end of Loch Lochy; next, the grand series of locks, eight in number, called "Neptune's Staircase," at Bannavie, within a mile and a quarter of the sea; two locks, descending to Corpach basin; and lastly, the great entrance or sea-lock at Corpach.

"We are going to Glen Corpach, and as I am not sure whether we shall find any one to row the boat there, I wish you would come with us." Alec said he could not leave Robby. "Bring him, then," said the laird. "You get up by the side of me, and Robby can go in the other carriage with the children." They stopped a few minutes while his grandfather helped Robby to put on his best clothes.

"We are not far from Glen Corpach," shouted the laird, "and I see some of our friends are making their way towards it." He pointed to some patches which Fanny thought looked like ants, with a black beetle in front of them, winding down the mountain.

At the same time that the works at Corpach were begun, the dock or basin at the north-eastern extremity of the canal, situated at Clachnaharry, on the shore of Loch Beauly, was also laid out, and the excavations and embankments were carried on with considerable activity.

Along the western foot of the range, which extends for some six or eight miles, lies a long extent of brown bog, on the verge of which, by the river Lochy, stand the ruins of Inverlochy Castle. The works at Corpach involved great labour, and extended over a long series of years.