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Lady Burton then repeated "the night prayers to him," and while she was speaking "a dog," to use her own words, "began that dreadful howl which the superstitious regard as the harbinger of death." After prayers, Burton asked for "chou-chou;" she game him a paper-covered copy in two volumes of the Martyrdom of Madeline by Robert Buchanan, and he lay in bed reading it.

When all was still in the house; when dinner was over and the noisy recreation-hour past; when darkness had set in, and the quiet lamp of study was lit in the refectory; when the externes were gone home, the clashing door and clamorous bell hushed for the evening; when Madame was safely settled in the salle-a-manger in company with her mother and some friends; I then glided to the kitchen, begged a bougie for one half-hour for a particular occasion, found acceptance of my petition at the hands of my friend Goton, who answered, "Mais certainement, chou-chou, vous en aurez deux, si vous voulez;" and, light in hand, I mounted noiseless to the dormitory.

You'll wake Aunt Arna, and she's tired after being all day on the chou-chou cars." "Merry Ch'is'mus, Aunty Arna!" shouted the irrepressible Minna. "Oh, darling, be quiet! We'll play little pig goes to market. I'll tell you a story, only be quiet a little while." It took Peggy's utmost effort to keep the little wriggler still for the hour from five to six.

Consequently we have not much time to go out, to take the air. Madame, my spouse, she has a love for the dogs she keeps two, Fifi and Chou-Chou pogs. What they call pedigree dogs valuable. Beautiful animals but needing exercise. It is a trouble to Madame that they cannot disport themselves more frequently.

With each revolution of the driving-wheels, each cylinder there is one on each side of every locomotive blew its steamy breath into the stack twice. This kept the fire glowing and made the chou-chou sound that everybody knows and every baby imitates.

It relates, of course to the young man whom Mrs. Perrigo told us of the young man who led pugs in Kensington Gardens." "The pogs of Madame, my spouse," said M. Bonnechose, with a bow and a solemn expression. "Two pogs Fifi and Chou-Chou." "M. Bonnechose," continued the chief, regarding his company with yet another smile, "is the proprietor of a what is your establishment, monsieur?"

Baker recommended him to order "a little rubbish in the shape of novels," from London, and so rest his brain for an hour just before bedtime. Burton demurred, but the novels were ultimately sent for, they duly arrived, and Burton went through a course of "chou-chou," as he called it.

"Madame says it will make you sleep, chou-chou," said Goton, as she received back the emptied cup. Ah! the sedative had been administered. In fact, they had given me a strong opiate. I was to be held quiet for one night. The household came to bed, the night-light was lit, the dormitory hushed.