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Use force if necessary, but try and avoid any shooting. I shall join you there before sunset." "Ay, ay, sir," said Chaytor. He named three men, and the four hurried to their post. Bidding the other two sailors help him, Royson turned to carry out a disagreeable task. Von Kerber, Alfieri, and the rest must be buried while there was yet light.

The Anzac Division commanded by General Chaytor left Asluj during the night, and in a march of twenty-four miles round the south of Beersheba met with only slight opposition on the way to Bir el Hamam and Bir Salim abu Irgeig, between five and seven miles east of the town.

And these other ghouls, before they were driven off by a hail of lead, had learnt what store of wealth was buried there beneath the sand. "Chaytor," said Royson, addressing one of the crew who had acted as quartermaster on board the yacht, "take three men and mount guard over any trench or other excavation you may find in the valley between those mounds. Let no Arab even approach the place.

"The steamboat was the Carroll of Carrollton, a fine craft, with the rum old Commodore Chaytor for head man. A good fellow he is all sorts of a man bowing and scraping to the ladies, nodding to the gentlemen, cursing the crew, and his right eye broad-cast upon the 'opposition line, all at the same time. 'Let go! said the old one, and off we walked in prime style.

Nor was there any question of power, for the Procyon's atomics did not drive the ship, but merely energized the "Chaytors" the Chaytor Effect engines that tapped the energy of the expanding universe itself. Thus, in less than six months, the Procyon had attained a velocity almost half that of light.

And again, well out beyond the orbit of the moon, just before the starship's mighty Chaytor engines hurled her out of space as we know it into that unknowable something that is hyperspace, he poised a finger. But Immergence, too, was normal; all the green lights except one went out, needles dropped to zero, both phones went dead, all signals stopped.