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Nor does this idea, as I conceive, necessarily conflict at all with the doctrine of cell-life, as maintained by the best physiologists of the present day. I also sometimes style this electro-vital element the body electrical, because it is certainly an entity, coëxtensive with and, in greater or less force, wholly pervading the visible, material body.

Importance of some knowledge of the body and its needs Fearful responsibility of entering upon domestic duties in ignorance The fundamental vital principle Cell-life Wonders of the microscope Cell-multiplication Constant interplay of decay and growth necessary to life The red and white cells of the blood Secreting and converting power The nervous system The brain and the nerves Structural arrangement and functions The ganglionic system The nervous fluid Necessity of properly apportioned exercise to nerves of sensation and of motion Evils of excessive or insufficient exercise Equal development of the whole.

Modern physiology sets forth as its chief ends: Firstly, the ascertainment of the facts and conditions of cell-life in general. Secondly, in composite organisms, the analysis of the functions of organs into those of the cells of which they are composed.

The search for the explanation of diseased states in modified cell-life; the discovery of the important part played by parasitic organisms in the aetiology of disease; the elucidation of the action of medicaments by the methods and the data of experimental physiology; appear to me to be the greatest steps which have ever been made towards the establishment of medicine on a scientific basis.

From this it was only a step to the earth's strata, fossils, crystals a fresh lecture. And finally he would sum up the whole into one great harmony of development, from the primary cell-life to the laws of gravitation that rule the courses of the stars. Was it not marvellous? One common rhythm beating through the universe a symphony of worlds! And then he must have a kiss!

In the cell-life which permeates them there is as yet nothing in the way of intelligence, but there is a strong instinct always pressing in the direction of what is for its development.

Thirdly, the explication of the processes by which this local cell-life is directly, or indirectly, controlled and brought into relation with the life of the rest of the cells which compose the organism.

These curious facts in regard to cell-life have important relations to the general subject of the care of health, and also to the cure of disease, as will be noticed in following chapters.

Then they begin to form "baby-crystals" on their surfaces, which then take on the growth the processes being almost analogous to cell-life. Processes akin to fermentation have been detected among chemicals.

Should these units be subtracted from an animal, one by one, there would be no material organism left when the last cells had been disassociated, and there would be no organic activity remaining when the last individual cell-life was destroyed.