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"I am told his allowance was four thousand dollars per annum. Histology, morphology, and aetiology are whims too costly for impecunious students. Prince must reduce his stable of hobbies." "No, he is entitled to canter as many as he likes, and the money could not be better spent than in promoting the noble work of the advancement of Science.

All that can be ascertained concerning the structure, succession of conditions, actions, and position in space of the earth, is the matter of fact of its natural history. But, as in biology, there remains the matter of reasoning from these facts to their causes, which is just as much science as the other, and indeed more; and this constitutes geological aetiology.

Then he consulted his watch. "Excuse me," he said. "I have just three minutes. Let us get at once to the practical part the therapeutics of the case, omitting its aetiology: You're going to take the young lady to Italy. When she gets there, will she marry you? And do you expect me to help in providing for you both after this insane adventure?" Alan's face was red as fire.

But these facts have their causes; and the ascertainment of these causes is the doctrine of AETIOLOGY. If we consider what is knowable about the earth, we shall find that such earth-knowledge if I may so translate the word geology falls into the same categories.

Hence it is obvious that pathology is a branch of biology; it is the morphology, the physiology, the distribution, the aetiology of abnormal life. However obvious this conclusion may be now, it was nowise apparent in the infancy of medicine.

In 1878, followed his study on the "AEtiology of Wound Infections," in which he was able to demonstrate conclusively the association of micro-organisms with the disease. Upon those two memorable researches made by a country doctor rests the modern science of bacteriology.

"Professor Huxley speaks of a 'verbal fog by which the question at issue may be hidden; is there no verbal fog in the statement that the aetiology of crayfishes resolves itself into a gradual evolution in the course of the mesozoic and subsequent epochs of the world's history of these animals from a primitive astacomorphous form?

The search for the explanation of diseased states in modified cell-life; the discovery of the important part played by parasitic organisms in the aetiology of disease; the elucidation of the action of medicaments by the methods and the data of experimental physiology; appear to me to be the greatest steps which have ever been made towards the establishment of medicine on a scientific basis.