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Updated: August 21, 2024

Among them, however, there is really some satisfaction in hinting at the hangman! For, hear it, ye sanguinary manes of our ancestors: "Les bourreaux s'en vont!" Executioners are departing! We shall shortly have to commemorate in our obituaries, and signalize by the hands of our novelists "the last of the Jack Ketches."

I dare not breathe for fear of putting the dream to flight a dream traversed by angels. "Comme autrefois j'entends dans l'ether infini La musique du temps et l'hosanna des mondes." V. Scene v. "Mon epoux en mourant m'a laisse ses lumieres; Son sang dont tes bourreaux viennent de me couvrir M'a dessille les yeux et me les vient d'ouvrir. "I feel! I believe! I see!"

In these lines I believed that I discerned the very God of the universe, the God whom men worship Dans les infames jeux de leur divin loisir Le supplice de l'homme est leur premier plaisir. Pour que leur oeil feroce a l'envi s'en repaisse Des bourreaux devant eux en immolent sans cesse.

But it appeared in evidence, that, since the accession of the citizen king, the trade of the hangman had become a dead failure; and the disconsolate bankrupt was accordingly forced to take French leave of a world wherein bourreaux can no longer turn an honest penny! Yet, less than three centuries ago, his predecessors were men of mark and consideration.

'On vit s'avancer, entre les bourreaux, des enfants et des femmes, les chairs ouvertes sur tout le corps, avec des mèches allumées flambantes fichées dans les blessures. Looking back on the short career of Ḳurratu'l 'Ayn, one is chiefly struck by her fiery enthusiasm and by her absolute unworldliness. This world was, in fact, to her, as it was said to be to Ḳuddus, a mere handful of dust.

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