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The diff'ence betwix' a busy blacksmiff an' a loss ca-alf thass what you said, ain't it? Yass, well, it's because O thass too easy! I dislikes to occupy my facilities with sich a trifle! It's jess simply because they both git so hawngry they cross-eyed! Thass why they alike!" "No, seh! no, seh! miss it ag'in! O fie, fo' shaame! a man o' sich mind-powehs like you!

Didn't you neveh know de blacksmiff fill de air full o' bellows whilce de loss calf aw shucks! you done made me fo'git it! Now, jess hesh up, you smaht yalleh niggeh! try in' to meek out like you done guess it! Dis is it; de blacksmiff he fill de caalf full o' bellows, whilce " They both broke into happy laughter and he toyed innocently with one of her pinchbeck ear-rings.

The informant's booziness had returned. One foot kept slipping from a spoke of the fore-wheel. With pretence of perplexity he examined the wheel. "Mr. Mahch, this wheel sick; she mighty sick; got to see blacksmiff befo' she can eveh see Widewood." John looked. The word was true. He swore. The mulatto snickered, sagged against it and cocked his face importantly. "Mr.

O yass, whass de diff'ence 'twix' de busy blacksmiff an' de loss calf? Ans' me dat, seh! Folks say C'nelius Leggett a pow'ful smaht maan! How I gwine to know he a smaht maan ef he cayn't evm ans' a riddle-diddle-dee?" "I kin ans' it! I's ans'ed bushels an' ba'ls o' riddles! Now that riddle is estremely simple, an' dis is de inte'p'etation thereof!