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That was all that was to be seen; but on the slight foundation of that blush, Miss Monro built many castles; and when they faded away, one after one, she recognised that they were only baseless visions.

Every little rumor which is intended to weaken our faith in our allies is like an actual enemy agent in our midst seeking to sabotage our war effort. There are, here and there, evil and baseless rumors against the Russians rumors against the British rumors against our own American commanders in the field.

The spell snapped; it was all over; an interval of agonizing doubt of days passed in miserable journeys to gain tidings, of hopes that took firmer root even as they were more baseless was changed to the certainty of the death that eclipsed all happiness for the survivors for evermore. There was something in our fate peculiarly harrowing.

That galling thought made the blood gush from his gaping wound. How that woman and her lover must deride him! And to think that they had sought to turn him to ridicule by a baseless charge, an arrant lie which still and ever made him smart, all proof of its falsity to the contrary.

Rumor declared that he was suffering from mental decay, due to his age, but McKinley believed the rumor to be baseless, summoned him to the cabinet, and Hanna was subsequently appointed to the Senate.

"I have told this fellow," cried Brunow, "that he has betrayed my confidence the most sacred confidence one man can repose in another a confidence I extended to him, believing him to be a man of honor and my friend." "And I, sir, have instructed you," returned the count, "that your accusation is altogether baseless.

Yet, were the dream not baseless, fain would I know which of yon stately lights is my natal star, which images which reflects my career in life, and the memory I shall leave in death."

After knowing them awhile I felt how baseless such contempt would be; for they possessed a depth and maturity of character rarely seen except in men of much experience. John was grave and thoughtful; his livelier brother often said he had come into the world some centuries too late, that he was meant for an Augustine or a Pascal, so studious was he, and so saintly.

Now, guessing in science is a very hazardous proceeding, and Lamarck's reputation has suffered woefully for the absurdities into which his baseless suppositions led him.

He vas essentially thoughtless, betrays everywhere a most effeminate quality of sensibility, and is the sport of that pseudo-enthusiasm and baseless rapture which we see so often allied with the excitement of strong liquors. In taste, or the sense of proportions and congruencies, or the harmonious adaptations, he is perhaps the most defective writer extant.