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Updated: August 18, 2024

Under this analysis of the Roman condition, need we wonder, with the crowd of unreflecting historians, that the senate, at the era of Aurelian's death, should dispute amongst each other not, as once, for the possession of the sacred purple, but for the luxury and safety of declining it?

'What's all this? what's all this? said Demetrius, leaving his work, which he had resumed, and running to the door of his shop: 'what's the matter, friend? addressing a citizen hurrying by: 'Is Aurelian at the gates, that you are posting along in such confusion? 'Not Aurelian, replied the other, 'but Aurelian's mistress. The Queen is coming.

Aurelian's Adversary was unhorsed in the first Encounter, and Hippolito's lost both Stirrups and dropt his Lance to save himself. The Honour of the Field was immediately granted to them, and Don Catharina sent them both Favours, which she pray'd them to wear as her Knights.

In the heyday of the Emperor Aurelian's greatness, when his strong right arm propped Rome up, and hewed Palmyra down, when he surrounded his capital with walls fifty miles in circuit, and led Tetricus and Zenobia in triumph through its streets, and distributed elephants among the senators, and laid Etruria out in vineyards, and contemplated in leisure moments the suppression of Christianity as a subordinate detail of administration, a mere ripple on the broad ocean of his policy at this period Bahram the First, King of Persia, naturally became disquieted in his mind.

He began by punctually fulfilling all the terms of Aurelian's contract, a measure which barbarians inevitably construed into the language of fear. But then came the retribution.

So long and so various was the pomp of Aurelian's triumph, that although it opened with the dawn of day, the slow majesty of the procession ascended not the Capitol before the ninth hour; and it was already dark when the emperor returned to the palace.

I would offer them a pinch of snuff out of my box as I walked along my gallery, with their Excellencies cringing after me. Zenobia was a fine woman and a queen, but she had to walk in Aurelian's triumph. The procede was peu delicat? En usez vous, mon cher monsieur! What a richness, what a freedom of handling, and what a marvellous precision! I trod upon your Excellency's corn? a thousand pardons.

But while the imperial statesmen were watching the Euphrates, the storm was gathering on the Danube. The Goths in Dacia had been learning husbandry and Christianity since Aurelian's time, and bade fair soon to become a civilized people. Heathenism was already half abandoned, and their nomad habits half laid aside.

Without imperial support, no Platonopolis could have been founded; and there was no time for any of those Illyrians to think of such things. even if they had had it in them to do so, as they had not: witness Aurelian's execution of Longinus. The time had gone by for that highest of all victories: as it might have gone by in our own day, but for events in Chicago, in February, 1898.

She mounted the fleetest of her dromedaries, and had already reached the banks of the Euphrates, about sixty miles from Palmyra, when she was overtaken by the pursuit of Aurelian's light horse, seized, and brought back a captive to the feet of the emperor. Her capital soon afterwards surrendered, and was treated with unexpected lenity.

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