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They mortgage and remortgage. . . . You mustn't catch fish, must keep off the grass, mustn't break the trees." "Nikolay Sergeitch!" his wife's voice called from the drawing-room. "Agnia, call your master!" "Then you won't stay?" asked Nikolay Sergeitch, getting up quickly and going towards the door. "You might as well stay, really. In the evenings I could come and have a talk with you. Eh? Stay!

A week before, as he was returning home from his evening walk, he had been overtaken at that very spot by his former housemaid, Agnia, who said to him viciously: "Wait a bit! I'll cook you such a crab that'll teach you to ruin innocent girls! I'll leave the baby at your door, and I'll have the law of you, and I'll tell your wife, too...."

Weeping and almost faint with shame and terror, full of hope and vague rapture, he went into his bungalow, went up to his wife, and fell on his knees before her. "Anna Filippovna!" he said with a sob, and he laid the baby on the floor. "Hear me before you punish.... I have sinned! This is my child.... You remember Agnia? Well, it was the devil drove me to it. ..."

When Agnia was here I had no women to see me, for I had one at home; but now, you can see for yourself, sir,... one can't help having strangers. In Agnia's time, of course, there was nothing irregular, because..." "Be off, you scoundrel!" Miguev shouted at him, stamping, and he went back into the room.