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In 1954 we had the largest tax cut in history, amounting to $7.4 billion annually, of which over 62 percent went to individuals mostly in the small income brackets. This Administration has directed constant efforts toward fiscal responsibility. Balanced budgets have been sought when the economy was advancing, and a rigorous evaluation of spending programs has been maintained at all times.

Dear Bahá’í Sister: Your letters of June 11, July 16 and 22, August 30, October 12 and 17, November 2 and 17 and December 10, 1954; and January 31 and February 19, April 28 and May 21, 1955, with their various enclosures, have all been recived by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

The Secretary of Agriculture and his associates will, of course, execute the present act faithfully and thereby seek to mitigate the consequences of the downturn in farm income. This price-support legislation will expire at the end of 1954. So we should begin now to consider what farm legislation we should develop for 1955 and beyond.

Government expenses were carefully scrutinized. Total spending was cut by 14 billion dollars below the amount planned by the previous Administration for the fiscal year 1954. This made possible and it was appropriate in the existing circumstances of transition to a peacetime economy the largest tax cut in any year in our history.

It is surely remarkable, and one of the great victories of the Faith. The Guardian sends his loving greetings to you. He prays for your guidance and confirmation.... 14 February 1954

As a result of the flexibility provided by the Agricultural Act of 1954, we can move toward less restrictive acreage controls. Thus, farm production is gradually adjusting to markets, markets are being expanded, and stocks are moving into use.

To Malcolm X the Civil Rights Movement was in need of a new interpretation. The degree of segregation existing in schools and in the rest of society, he contended, had actually increased in the decade since the Supreme Court decision in 1954. It seemed to him to be particularly true in the case of the de facto segregation practiced in the North.

The Guardian realizes the spirit which animated you in making the suggested proposal, in order that the teaching work might go forward more aggressively; but he feels in the long run it would be detrimental to the Faith, and therefore should be rescinded as indicated above. The Guardian sends you his loving greetings.... 8 June 1954

Twelfth, the appointment during Ridván 1954, by the Hands of the Cause in the United States and Canada, of an Auxiliary Board of nine members who will, in conjunction with the four national spiritual assemblies participating in the American campaign, assist, through periodic and systematic visits to Bahá’í centers, in the efficient and prompt execution of the plans formulated for the prosecution of the teaching campaign in the American continent.

Government expenses were carefully scrutinized. Total spending was cut by 14 billion dollars below the amount planned by the previous Administration for the fiscal year 1954. This made possible and it was appropriate in the existing circumstances of transition to a peacetime economy the largest tax cut in any year in our history.