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The expenditures for the same period, including the necessary payment on account of the principal and interest of the public debt, and the principal and interest of the first installment due to Mexico on the 30th of May next, and other expenditures growing out of the war to be paid during the present year, will amount, including the reimbursement of Treasury notes, to the sum of $54,195,275.06, leaving an estimated balance in the Treasury on the 1st of July, 1849, of $2,853,694.84.

INCOME. By 2780 fleeces, at 2 1/4 lbs. 6255lbs. wool at 1s. 6d. 469 2 6 EXPENDITURE. To 2 Shepherds at 30 pounds 60 0 0 To 2 Ditto 25 25 0 0 To 3 Ditto 20 60 0 0 To 2 Watchman 20 40 0 0 To Hurdles &c. 10 0 0 195 0 0 To 12 Rams at 10 pounds 120 0 0 315 0 0 154 2 6

Charles thought, that what concessions were made to the public were of little consequence, if no gratifications were bestowed on individuals who had acquired the direction of public counsels and determinations. A change of ministers, as well as of measures, was therefore resolved on. * Clarendon, vol. i. p. 209. Whitlocke, p. 39. Rush. vol. v. p, 189. Clarendon, vol. i. p. 195.

In consequence of the irregularity of its outline, it is difficult to estimate its exact area; but it cannot deviate much from 192 to 195 square miles. The railroad surveys indicate that the elevation of the surface of its waters above the level of the ocean is about 6247 feet. Its drainage basin, including in this its own area, is estimated to be about five hundred square miles.

Cranch, Christopher P.: The Dial, 159; poetic prediction, 416, 417. Cromwell, Oliver: saying by a war saint, 252; in poetry, 387. Cudworth, Ralph, epithets, 200. Cupples, George, on Emerson's lectures, 195. Curtius, Quintus for Mettus, 388. Cushing, Caleb: rank, 33; in college, 45. Dana, Richard Henry, his literary place, 33, 223.

The population is divided according to religions as follows: Hindus 207,146,422 Sikhs 2,195,268 Mohammedans 62,458,061 Jains 1,334,148 Buddhists 9,476,750 Parsees 94,190 Animistic 8,711,300 Jews 18,228 Christians 2,923,241

I now close these desultory remarks with the hope that some one more competent than myself will take up the cause and urge it until some definite plan is formed. African Repository, vol. xxx., pp. 194, 195, 196.

The Indians have been very quiet: He deals fairly and openly with them, and his descendants, as far as I can learn, have always done the same. Vol. II. p. 195. &c. Edit. 1758. But to enter upon my Subject. I known not how it comes to pass, but of late years most of our Historians seem to be over fastidious.

Zetta's income for the year had been $520. She had spent $130 for rent; $105 for dinners; $55 for breakfasts, luncheons, and washing; $195 for clothing, summer railway fares, and incidentals; $15 for carfare; and $20 for insurance. Zetta's interest in her daily occupation is somewhat unusual in the trade chronicles of the shop-girls.

Only in those things which have respect to church-government and discipline, we refer ourselves to the Platform of Church-discipline, agreed upon by this present assembly." Preface to the Cambridge Platform, quoted in W. Walker, Creeds and Platforms, p. 195. The Platform conformed most closely to that of Richard Mather. The draft by Ralph Partridge of Plymouth still exists.