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We learnt in the Sudan how Turco-German machinations were necessitating a more active policy towards the Porte. I acted as prosecutor at the public trial of a Sudanese by general court martial in the court-house of Port Sudan in the second week of December, 1914. He had risen from sergeant's rank in a Sudanese regiment to be Captain of the Egyptian Coastguard in 1907.

For about twelve months after that I closely studied every phase of the phenomenon, and during that time I discovered good water for many residents in the district. In 1907, an opportunity came to me to employ my faculty for the benefit of pastoralists and the State generally. Mr.

The law of June 7, 1906, and its amendment of March 2, 1907, accomplished what was desired in that respect, and the use of denatured alcohol, as intended, is making a fair degree of progress and is entitled to further encouragement and support from the Congress. The pure food legislation has already worked a benefit difficult to overestimate.

"I know Skeels; have known him for years." "Years? How many?" It was still the girl asking. "Since 1907 or thereabouts." "Was he always a gambler?" she wanted to know. "Always. Ran a joint on Fillmore Street after the big earthquake, and before San Francisco came back down-town." "A gambler," she spoke the word just above her breath, as though trying it out with herself.

In 1907 the Dominion Association at its annual meeting changed its name to the Canadian Suffrage Association. In 1908 it decided not to memorialize the Government but to make greater efforts to organize and for this purpose Mrs. Denison, vice-president and official organizer, visited Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.

Wilson to Mr. Adrian Joline, a Princeton alumnus and prominent New York lawyer at the time of the split in the Democratic party over the silver question. The letter is as follows: Princeton, New Jersey, April 29, 1907. MY DEAR MR. JOLINE: Thank you very much for sending me your address at Parsons, Kan., before the board of directors of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway Company.

Orientis Graeci, 90; Wendland, Hellenistisch-römische Kultur, 1907, p. 74 f. and notes.

That treaty was perfected at the second Hague Conference of 1907; and, in addition, a series of treaties were agreed to concerning the opening of hostilities, the laws and customs of war on land, the rights and duties of neutrals, submarine contact mines, bombardment by naval forces, the right of capture in naval war, neutral powers in naval war, an international prize court, and the discharge of projectiles from balloons, and the Geneva Convention was revised.

In spite of our neutrality we insisted vigorously on its adoption and aroused a distrust in our judgment. Thus we started in wrong, so far as the British Government is concerned." The rules of maritime warfare which the American State Department so disastrously insisted upon were the direct outcome of the Hague Conference of 1907.

Prime Minister of the Australian Commonwealth. HOUSE OF COMMONS, June 29, 1907