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How do you earn your bread? 'You know very well I am a painter. 'Then I will be one too, Herr Zwaanenberg; and if you will go to-morrow and tell my father so, you will do me a great service. The good-natured artist willingly undertook the mission, and acquainted the old miller with his son's resolution.

Having learned from Zwaanenberg all he was capable of imparting, he next studied about six months with Peter Lastmann, and afterwards for a short time with Jacob Pinas, from whom it is said he acquired that taste for strong contrasts of light and shadow, for which his works are so remarkable.

Rembrandt certainly did not; and his obstinacy proving an overmatch for his teachers' patience, he was sent back to the mill, when his father beat him so severely, that next morning he ran off to Leyden, without in the least knowing how he should live there. Fortunately he sought refuge in the house of an honest artist, Van Zwaanenberg, who was acquainted with his father.

It is said that his father, being in easy circumstances, intended him for one of the learned professions, but was induced by Rembrandt's passion for the art to allow him to follow his inclination. He entered the school of J. van Zwaanenberg at Amsterdam, where he continued three years, and made such surprising progress as astonished his instructor.

'I want to know one thing, said Master Rembrandt; 'will he be able to gain a livelihood by painting? 'Certainly, and perhaps make a fortune. 'Then if you will teach him, I consent. Thus Paul became the pupil of Van Zwaanenberg, and made rapid progress in the elementary parts of his profession.