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"Shure, Miss, he's just now hunten me, along wid his two haythen Diggers, beyond the laygoon there. It worr the yellar one that sphotted me lyin' there in the ditch; it worr only your own oiyes, Miss more power to their beauty for that! that saw me folly him unbeknownst here; and that desaved them, ye see!" The young girl remained for an instant silent and thoughtful.

"I reckon when the Senator hits Sweetbriar again he'll think he's stepped into a nest of yellar jackets and it'll be a case of run or swell up and bust," answered Mr. Crabtree as he put up the two boxes of baking-powder for the spouse of the poet, who stood beside his wife in the door of the store. "Well," said Mr.

"Ah guess you're right, Judkie; we gits the raw end of the stick." "That damn yellar dawg Andrews goes to Paris an' gets schoolin' free an' all that." "Hell, Andy waren't yellar, Judkins." "Well, why did he go bellyachin' around all the time like he knew more'n the lootenant did?" "Ah reckon he did," said Chrisfield.

Mr. Spriggins was annoyed to think that it was only nine o'clock, and he must part with Melindy. "You know what we used to learn in the little yellar book at home," said the latter. "Yes, that's all very fine when a fellar hasn't anything better to do, but when a feller has sich good company, he don't think of being healthy, wealthy and wise, eh, Melindy."

Geraniums in the centre," he drew a circle on the ground with the end of his stick, and prodded little holes here and there to illustrate his plan. "A nice patch of red, then comes yellar, then the blue, then the green. In circles or in rows, according as you please." "I seem to have seen it somewhere!