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But no one, to my knowledge, has ever heard a complaint from her lips; and the dignity of her afflicted wife-hood has far transcended the haughtiness of those days when she had but to smile to have all the youth of Portchester at her feet." "I suppose it was the loss of so many children that reconciled her to a quiet life.

You, my well meaning, but out-of-date husband, may be imagined as replying to this briefly as follows: "What has become of all the deep and beautiful feelings of faith and devotion and self-sacrifice, which throughout the ages have given a heavenly significance to the ideal of motherhood and wife-hood?

It would be the uprising of the women; the first upward step from sheer wage-slavery; the first advance toward the ideal of that coming woman, who should be a man in her freedom and her strength and her power, and yet woman of woman in her love and her motherhood and wife-hood.

This daughter will study the ethics of the period of engagement and will not abuse or destroy the mysterious charm which belongs alone to the early period of wife-hood. A girl should be taught the duties of married life; to fulfil the beautiful aim of motherhood should be her ambition and her daily prayer. Boys, also, get their estimate of colored womanhood from their mothers.

My lawful unstained wife-hood will be established, your spotless birth and lineage triumphantly proclaimed; and I shall see my own darling, my Regina Laurance, reigning as mistress in the halls of her ancestors.

Were they really sealed wives, as Withers believed, and was this unnatural wife-hood responsible for the strange intensity? At any rate he returned to camp with the conviction that he had stumbled upon a remarkable situation. He had been told the last names of only three women, and their husbands were in the village. The names of the others were Ruth, Rebecca, Joan he could not recall them all.