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"Gee whilikins, I wouldn't even feel you!" This was too much for any eleven-year-old to stand. Freddy was not very well. Brother Timothy had been dosing him for a week or more, and these long hot summer days made his legs feel queer and his head dizzy. It was rather hard sometimes to keep up with Dan, who was making the most of his holiday, as he did of everything that came in his way.

"I'll be so good to you and love you as though I were your own mother. You can have a pony to ride and a bicycle and skates " "Gee whilikins!" exclaimed Peter. "I will adopt you " "'Dopt me! No you won't! I didn't know you meant to 'dopt me. Me'n Polly ain't ever gonter git 'dopted. We's gonter jes' live along here till we gits growed up an' maybe our mother won't be dead an' will come find us.

"Gee whilikins!" said Uncle Enoch softly to himself, as if fearful of betraying some newly discovered secret. But Old Jeff was moved to no such reticence. Lifting his head over the shoulders of the crowd he pointed his ears and gave vent to a quick, glad whinny of recognition.

"You're Hamp Ellison, in spite of those whiskers and that going-away bathrobe," he shouted. "I read about you on the bill of fare at the inn. They've run your biography in between the cheese and 'Not Responsible for Coats and Umbrellas. What 'd you do it for, Hamp? And ten years, too gee whilikins!" "You're just the same," said the hermit. "Come in and sit down.

He has gone for the doctor; and if you just hold on till they get here, why, maybe maybe they'll pull you through all right. Gee whilikins!" exclaimed Freddy, as the sick man suddenly started up from his rude pillow. "You mustn't do that!" "I must I must!" was the hoarse reply; and Freddy was caught in a wild, passionate clasp to his patient's heart.