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He said: "No, our wheat crop ain't a-going to amount to much this year. Of course we don't try to raise much grain it's mostly stock, but I thought I'd try wheat again. I wisht we could get back to the good old days of wheat raising it w'ant so confining as stock-raisin'." His good days were also in the past!

It's from the hattic winder, I see 'em with the moon, if w'ant the lightenin' a glanshin' on their 'orrid faces as is never shaved nor washed, and it's bin my dream from the years of unsuspectious hinfancy, as is come for to pass now in the days of my womanhood, with dead bodies carryin' too, w'ich is wuss. Ho! dear, wot shall I do!"

Jim Spriggins goes without any coaxin' and if it w'ant that I can't get away from Melindy I'd go too." "Your brother volunteered, I suppose," ventured Mrs. Arnold, with an air of interest. "Indeed he did, ma'am, he and another fellar from the Crossin', and I brought 'em down." Mr.

"Don't talk so simple, Mose," said Melindy, giving her affianced an affectionate push against a large building that stood on the corner. "If I w'ant skeered of them 'ere police chaps I do believe I'd feel tempted to kiss you in this very place!" exclaimed Moses in very pathetic style.

"Now, listen to me, Melindy, I was a-goin' to tell you that I only went up to Wiggleses to borrow a crosscut from Josiar. True as I live I w'ant inside the gate for I met Josiar a-comin' out o' the milkin' yard and I then and there ups and tells him what I was arter."