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The break between man and this Catarrhine monkey covers quite a series of links in the genetic vinculum; and yet between the two we find no high form of a low type fitting into a low form of a high type, as we manifestly should, to account for all the diversified changes that must have taken place in the interim.

'Vinculum trinculum; and now you're married. Amen! Well, these two are married, and he places his wife upon his knee, for fraid of taking up too much room, you persave; there they coort away again, and why shouldn't they?

But there were many more which inflicted an eternity of suffering upon one of the pair." This quotation, it must be added, has nothing to do with what the Canonists, borrowing the technical term for a prisoner's shackles, suggestively termed the vinculum matrimonii; it was written many years ago concerning the galleys of the old French convict system.

“O quam placens in colore, O quam fragrans in odore, O quam sapidum in ore, Dolce linguae vinculum. “Felix venter quem intrabis, Felix guttur quod rigabis, Felix os quod tu lavabis; Et beata labia!”

Your swearing is not solum vinculum, but novum vinculum, is not the only, but only a new and another bond to tie you to the obedience of the things you swear unto; which are so excellent and so glorious, that if God gave those that take it a heart to keep it, it will make these three kingdoms the glory of the world.

"Man is the vinculum that connects the Creator with His creation, and light from heaven illumes his birth and infancy. "I fear that your two demons were coeval with the creation of the world," said the stranger, with a smile. "No, no; they were not in Paradise.