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I seen it your shop where your operators work," he commenced, "and " "Why, you ain't never been inside our shop," Goldman cried. "I seen it from the outside from the street already and as varking delegate it is my duty to call on you a strike," Slotkin concluded. "What's the matter with the workroom?" Abe asked. "Well, the neighborhood ain't right," Slotkin explained.

"It would be my duty as varking delegate. I moost call it off the strike." "All right, then," Abe said; "call off the strike. We made up our mind we will take the loft." "You mean you will take such a loft what the union agreement calls for and which I just described it to you," Slotkin corrected in his quality of walking delegate. "That's what we mean," Abe replied.

"Sure, we signed it," said Abe, "and we kept it, too. We pay 'em always union prices and we keep it union hours." "Prices and hours is all right," Slotkin said, "but in the agreement stands it you should give 'em a proper place to work in it." "Well," Morris cried, "ain't it a proper place here to work in it?" Slotkin shook his head. "As varking delegate I seen it already.

"Good afternoon, gents," he said. Morris and Abe greeted him with a scowl. "I suppose you come for an answer about that loft, huh?" Morris snorted. Slotkin stared at Abe indignantly. "Excuse me, Mr. Perlmutter," he said, "I ain't here as broker. I'll see you later about that already. I come here now as varking delegate." "Sure, I know," Abe replied.

"Only he got to agree by a lawyer he should make it up our work a whole lot cheaper as they did," Morris concluded. Goldman nodded vigorously. "Sure, sure," he said. "And also he got to help us call off this here strike," Abe added. "I do my bestest," Goldman replied. "Only we got to see it the varking delegate first and fix it up with him." "Who is this walking delegate, anyhow?" Morris asked.

"Comes a walking delegate by the opposite side of the street and makes with his hands motions," he explained. "So they goes out on strike." Few of the striking operators could speak English, but those that did nodded their corroboration. "For what you strike?" Morris asked them. "Moost strike," one of them replied. "Ven varking delegate say moost strike, ve moost strike."