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And it is the foundation of all the others, for it is only they who know how to soar that can creep, and it is only they who have renewed their strength hour by hour, by communion with the Source of all energy and might, who when they 'drop with quivering wings, composed and still, down to the low earth, there live unwearied and unfainting.

Lame limbs are endowed with strength, and can run in the way of His commandments, and walk with unfainting perseverance the thorniest paths of duty and self-sacrifice. Lepers are cleansed from the rotting leprosy of sin, and their flesh comes again, 'as the flesh of a little child. Deaf ears hear the voice of the Son of God, and the dead who hear live.

The fervour of beginning has passed; the animation from seeing the end at hand has not sprung up. There is a dreary stretch in the centre, where it takes much faith and self-command to plod on unfainting. Half-way to Australia from England is the region of sickening calms. It is easier to work in the fresh morning or in the cool evening than at midday.

And I shall give myself up, in ending this discourse, to what is of much more importance to him and to us all, than all these things taken together, for Sir Thomas Browne was a believing man, and a man of unfainting and unrelaxing prayer.

The angels 'excel in strength' because they delight to do His commandments, hearkening unto the voice of His word. The lapse of ages brings not age to them who 'wait on the Lord' in the higher ministries of heaven, and run unwearied, and walk unfainting, and when they are seen by men are radiant with immortal youth.

In my second text we read of the 'faint, and in the verse that follows it, again we find the expressions 'faint' and 'weary, while in the verse before my text we read that 'the Lord fainteth not, neither is weary. So again the contrast between Him and us is set forth, but, in the verse that closes the chapter, we read how that contrast merges into likeness, inasmuch as the unfainting and unwearied God makes even the men that wait upon Him unwearied and unfainting.

They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. So it is from God, the unfainting and the unwearied, that the strength comes which makes our steps buoyant with energy amidst the commonplace, and steadfast and established at the crises of our lives.

No tongue can utter, or heart conceive, the unspeakable reward which an unwearied, unfainting diligence in well-doing, attends the humble believer; it begins in this world, and is consummated in endless glory. Ed. Christian, you are not your own, you are bought with a price far above all the treasures of the earth. You must not do as you please, but study to do the will of your heavenly Father.

But before these two great promises is put another one: 'They shall mount up with wings as eagles, and therefore both the other become possible. That is to say, fellowship with God in the heavens, which is made possible on earth by communion with Christ, is the condition both of the unwearied running and of unfainting walking.

Every one of these manifold miracles which the Saviour wrought may be taken as parabolical. You and I grope in darkness as the blind. You and I have ears deaf to hear, and lips dumb to speak, the praises and the love and the word of God. We are lame in the powers of mind and spirit to run in the way of His commandments, and to walk unfainting in the paths of duty.