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"I have seen her get up," says a Government official of that time, "and box the ears of a chief because he continued to interrupt after being warned to be quiet. The act caused the greatest amusement to the other chiefs." They often writhed under her new edicts regarding women, but they always acquiesced in her judgment. For not providing water for twin-mothers, she fined a town L3.

Gradually there came to her the idea of establishing a home in some populous country centre, where she could place her girls and any twin-mothers, waifs, or strays, or any Christian unable to find a livelihood outside the harem, and where they could support themselves by farm and industrial work. A girls' school could also be attached to it.

"No!" cried "Ma," "we don't begin or end either with a house. We begin and end with God in our hearts." A young man came forward, and without removing a quaint hat he wore, said, "Ma, we can't take God's word if you bring twins and twin-mothers into our town." It was out at last.

Esien's mother had been very unwilling for her son to come under Christian influence, and now she was not only present, but actually sat beside two twin-mothers. Akom's face was transfigured. Jean's adopted child, Dan, was also baptized on the occasion, and it was a great and solemn joy to Mary to see her oldest bairn give him to God, and promise to bring him up in His fear.

"We have no objection to you coming, Ma," said the chief. "And the saving of twins, and the right of twin-mothers to live as women and not as unclean beasts in the bush?" she asked. "No, no, we will not have it. Our town will spoil." After much talk they said, "Go home, Ma, and we shall discuss it and see you again" the native way of ending a matter.