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For Tump to start out carrying a forty-four, meaning to blow a rival out of his path, and to wind up hard at work, picking cotton at nothing a day for a man whose offer of three dollars a day he had just refused, certainly held the makings of a farce. On the heels of this came the news that Peter Siner meant to take advantage of Tump's arrest and marry Cissie Dildine.

So Tump turned off through the dark trees. Peter watched him until all he could see was the white blur of Cissie's underwear swinging against his holster. After Tump's disappearance, Peter stood for several minutes thinking. His brief crusade into Niggertown had ended in a situation far outside of his volition.

Peter Siner, long before, had adopted the literate man's notion of what is humorous, and Tump's mishap was slap-stick to him. Nevertheless, he did smile. The incident filled him with extraordinary relief and buoyancy. At the next corner he made some excuse to Jim Pink, and turned off up an alley. Peter walked along with his shoulders squared and the dust peppering his back.

A quiver went along his spine. His nostrils widened unconsciously as he calculated a leap and a blow at Tump's gun. The soldier took a step backward, at the same time bringing the barrel to a ready. "Naw you don't," he warned sharply. "You turn roun' an' march on to Niggertown." "What for?" Peter still tried to be casual, but his voice held new overtones.