United States or Guam ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Apparently, the "Sausage-Killer" was not so blessed in the matter of sight as Tam, for the scout was on his tail and was pumping nickel through his tractor's screw before the destroyer of innocent gas-bags realized what had happened.

A light tractor was clamped on and the Boise flashed up to close range before Rodebush threw on her inertia and Cleveland brought the two vessels relatively to rest by increasing gradually his tractor's pull. And this time the Nevian could not cut the tractor. Again that shearing plane of force bit into it and tore at it, but it neither yielded nor broke.

After several hours of bumping over rugged country, with the tractor's headlights blazing through the star-topped blackness, they reached a solid trail over a mare. Then they could zip along, almost like on a highway. There were other rough stretches, but most of the well selected route was smooth. Half the time, Nelsen drove, while Gimp rested or slept.

"What in tarnation is this all about?" Hetty asked as she climbed down from the pickup. "Know what this tractor's running on?" Johnny shouted over the noise of the engine. "Of course I do, you young idiot," she exclaimed. "It's gasoline." "Wrong," Johnny yelled triumphantly. "It's running on Sally's milk!"

I've no use for wasting land on weeds and thorns." "You think so now," Jake rejoined. "You haven't been here very long and there's something insidious about the country; its old-time customs get hold of one. Then I don't know if the tractor's picturesque, and cutting down trees and hedges might spoil the landscape. It wouldn't be quite so English after you had done."

When the first was finished, he lighted another from the butt. She put out a hand and took it away. "Please, Dan. I can stand the stuff, but I'll never like it, and the tractor's stuffy enough already. I've taken enough of it. And it keeps reminding me of our test the three of you stinking up the place, puffing and blowing that out, while I couldn't even get a breath of air...."