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In the evening, my grandfather and Jem Millar generally sat together over the fire in the little watchroom upstairs, and I used to take little Timpey up there, until it was time for her to go to bed. She liked climbing up the stone steps in the lighthouse tower.

Forster wanted to make him a handsome present for what he had done; but my grandfather would not take it. They talked much of little Timpey, and I kept stopping to listen as I was setting out the cups and saucers. They had heard nothing more of her relations; and they said it was a very strange thing that no such name as Villiers was to be found on the list of passengers on board.

All was ready, and in due time the steamer came puffing up towards the pier, and we saw a man standing on the deck, talking to Captain Sayers, who we felt sure must be the new lighthouse-man. 'I don't see a wife, said my grandfather. 'Nor any children, said I, as I held little Timpey up, that she might see the steamer.

'Now, said the old gentleman, looking at me, and laughing, though I saw a tear in his eye, 'won't you let them have her? 'Well, to be sure, said my grandfather, 'what can one say after that? Poor things, how pleased they are! 'Timpey, I said, taking the little girl on my knee, 'who do you think is coming to see you? Your mother is coming coming to see little Timpey!

And so it came to pass, that when I said good-bye to little Timpey that afternoon, it was with the hope of soon seeing her again. Her father called her Lucy, which I found was her real name. Timpey was a pet name, which had been given her as a baby. But though Lucy was certainly a prettier name, still I felt I should always think of her as Timpey my little Timpey.