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'You're thafe, my dear Thir dum thpiro thpero he thayth Dr. Thturk he can thave you, my dear Thir my dear lieutenant my dear O'Flaherty he can thave you, Thir thafe and thound, Thir.

"And you kids sit down on the floor every one of you, that you mayn't be theen below, and don't make a thound," said Johnnie, depositing Crayshaw on a couch, while Barbara began to fan him. "They're coming up the lane," were Johnnie's first words, when the whole family was seated on the floor like players at hunt the slipper. "You won't tell, Mrs. Walker?" "Not tell what, to whom?" asked Emily.

'And t'other on'th daughter. That'h what I mean. Hope I thee you well, mith. And I hope the Thquire'th well? 'My father will be here soon, said Louisa, anxious to bring him to the point. 'Is my brother safe? 'Thafe and thound! he replied. 'I want you jutht to take a peep at the Ring, mith, through here. Thethilia, you know the dodgeth; find a thpy-hole for yourthelf.

"Oh, I'm ath thound ath a bell, Dyohn, I'm ath thound ath a bell," said the Deacon. "Ay, man! You jutht bear out what I have alwayth underthood about the men o' brainth. They're the heartiest devilth after a'. Burns, that the baker raves so muckle o', was jutht another o' the thame jutht another o' the thame.

You pay attention to your driving exclusively," added Miss Elting. "And, girls, you keep a sharp lookout, too." "Where ith thith Lonethome Cove?" questioned Tommy. "I don't like the thound of the name." "You will like it when you get there," answered the guardian. "But I said I would not tell you anything about it. Time enough when we reach there. You shall then see for yourselves.