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This Great Nation who the French has given the nickname of Sciouex, Call them selves Dar co tar their language is not peculiarly their own, they Speak a great number of words, which is the Same in every respect with the Maha, Poncaser, Osarge & Kanzies. which Clearly proves that those nation at Some Period not more that a century or two past the Same nation- Those Dar ca ter's or Scioux inhabit or rove over the Countrey on the Red river of Lake Winipeck, St.

She would sometimes smoke with him. Occasionally she would only take a few whiffs at his cigarette. "Nay," he said to her one evening, when she reached for his cigarette. "Nay, tha doesna. I'll gi'e thee a smoke kiss if ter's a mind." "I wanted a whiff, no kiss at all," she answered. "Well, an' tha s'lt ha'e a whiff," he said, "along wi' t' kiss."

Arena ter for gi'ein' me one for my bit of a lad an' wench? 'I ham, Walter, my lad, 'e says; 'ta'e which on 'em ter's a mind. An' so I took one, an' thanked 'im. I didn't like ter shake it afore 'is eyes, but 'e says, 'Tha'd better ma'e sure it's a good un, Walt. An' so, yer see, I knowed it was. He's a nice chap, is Bill Hodgkisson, e's a nice chap!"

Her they hardly knew, she had become a stranger. 'They're too heavy for you, let me carry one, she said. 'They begin to weigh a bit by the time you've gone a mile, he answered. 'Let me carry the little one, she insisted. 'Tha can ha'e it for a minute, if ter's a mind, he said, handing over the valise. And thus they arrived in the streets of shops of the little ugly town on top of the hill.