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Fine scenery in Szeklerland Csik Szent Marton Absence of inns The Szekler's love of lawsuits Csik Szereda Hospitality along the, road Wallack atrocities in 1848 The Wallacks not Panslavists. The charming scenery of the Szeklerland, and the kindly hospitality of the people, induced me to linger on.

Leaving my hospitable entertainers at Csik Szent Marton, I went on to Csik Szereda, where I was kindly taken in by the postmaster. In this case I was provided with a letter; but a stranger would naturally go to the postmaster or the clergyman to ask for a night's lodging.

<b>NEMES-RANSONNETT, COUNTESS ELISA.</b> Born at Vienna, 1843. She studied successively with Vastagh, Lulos, Aigner, Schilcher, Lenbach, Angeli, and J. Benczur, and opened her studio at Kun Szent Miklos near Budapest.

Having expressed a wish to see the copper mine at Balanbanya, which is some five miles from Szent Domokos, my host proposed to drive me over the next morning. When the morning came the weather looked most unpromising; there was a steady downpour, without any perceptible break in the clouds in any quarter. I had made up my mind to go, and as after the noonday meal it cleared slightly, we started.

This, or words like it, were said to me many times, and always the name of Palmerston came to the fore. "He cordially hated the Austrians." What better ground of sympathy? Ride to Szent Domokos Difficulty about quarters Interesting host Jewish question in Hungary Taxation Financial matters. From Szereda I went to Szent Domokos. It was a long ride, and I was again nearly benighted.

After finally leaving Tusnad, I rode on to Csik Szent Marton, where, as there was no inn, I had to present myself at the best house in the place and crave their hospitality. My request was taken as a matter of course, and they received me with the greatest kindness; in fact it was with great difficulty that I could get away the next day.