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Their spirits had no occasion for dissatisfaction; And his example acted on his wife, Extended to his brethren, And was felt by all the clans and states. Full of harmony was he in his palace; Full of reverence in the ancestral temple. Thai Sze, the wife of Wan, we are told in ode 2, was from the state of Hsin. The surname Sze shows that its lords must have been descended from the Great Yue.

They at once went to work with their advisers, and a few minutes before the appointed hour they completed the drafting of the Ten Points, which Minister Sze read before the committee. These Points constituted a Chinese declaration of independence, and set forth a series of general principles to be applied in the determination of questions relating to China.

Kau Kiang is 'the lady Kiang' of ode 3, the wife of Than-fu or king Thai, who came with him from Pin. A wife becoming the House of Kau. Thai Sze inherited her excellent fame, And from her came a hundred sons . He conformed to the example of his ancestors, And their spirits had no occasion for complaint.

It is allowed that this piece is clearly the composition of a banished son, and there is no necessity to call in question the tradition preserved in the Preface which prefers it to I-khiu, the eldest son of king Yu. His mother was a princess of the House of Shan; but when Yu became enamoured of Sze of Pao, the queen was degraded, and the son banished to Shan.

A mast having a single row of brackets a few feet from the top means the degree of Ku Yan, equivalent to our M. A., and called in China the degree of Promoted Men; the degree of Entered Scholar, nearly equivalent to our LL.D., called Tsun Sze, is represented by two rows of brackets; and the highest degree attainable, Hon Lum, is announced by three rows of brackets, locally termed the "Forest of Pencils."

I also want you to look after my jewels and don't want you to do rough work at all. I have two more besides you, Sze Gurgur and Yuen Da Nai Nai, making four altogether and you must all work together. It is not necessary to be too polite to them and if they are not nice to you, you let me know."

'The beautiful wife, no doubt, was the well-known Sze of Pao, raised by king Yu from her position as one of his concubines to be his queen, and whose insane folly and ambition led to her husband's death, and great and disastrous changes in the kingdom. Hsiang was a district of the royal domain, in the present district of Mang, department of Hwai-khing, Ho-nan.

On the banks of the Sze his disciples buried him; and for three years mourned at his grave. But Tse Kung built himself a cabin at the graveside, and remained there three years longer. "All my life," said he, "I have had heaven above my head, but I do not know its height. I have had earth beneath my feet, but I have not known its magnitude.

We are not to suppose that Thai Sze had herself a hundred sons. She had ten, and her freedom from jealousy so encouraged the fruitfulness of the harem, that all the sons born in it are ascribed to her. Great is God, Beholding this lower world in majesty.

Ginseng, Atractylodes Lancea; Yunnan root; Prepared Ti root; Aralia edulis; Peony roots; Levisticum from Sze Ch'uan; Sophora tormentosa; Cyperus rotundus, prepared with rice; Gentian, soaked in vinegar; Huai Shan Yao root; Real "O" glue; Carydalis Ambigua; and Dried liquorice. "What exalted intelligence!" Chia Jung, after perusing it, exclaimed.